The Systematic Decimation of Planet Earth « Just Wondering – Alternative News and Opinions.
With kind permission and from
January 25, 2013
by Zen Gardner
There comes a time when a coming convergence becomes apparent. But when it spells a very probable major cataclysm people are not too eager to see it.
But see it we must. Because sound the alarm we must…as well as prepare.
Funny how that’s another thing “they” minimize and belittle. “Conspiracy freak” leads into “gloom and doomer”, “fear and hate monger” etc., all being cleverly wrapped into the “terrorist” catch-all these fascist, police state days.
F’ing bastards. They are the authors and manufacturers of terror, always accusing the very ones they’re murdering and manipulating. Sadly, the snooze button has been hit seemingly permanently for some.
But the wake up will hit, one way or another.
Our Surreal News
With several extremely serious realities striking home in just the past couple of years, there are people who are catching on.
Shrimping was finally banned off the Gulf of Mexico due to horrific deformities and lesions in specimens being found; the arrival of radioactive Japan tsunami debris on the US west coast and massive radiation levels in fish and algae and other samples finally coming to light; the continued massive radioactive releases into the air and water around Fukushima getting periodic attention; growing concerns about “fracking” causing earthquakes and severe water pollution in the U.S., and most of all the massive geoengineering weather manipulation and warfare totally screwing up our atmosphere..are adding up and causing people to boil over.
And that doesn’t touch on the economic and corporate manipulations, the police state crackdowns, and the massive war machine that’s gobbling up the world with hardly a peep of resistance or protest.
Something’s seriously amiss. And that’s just a sampling.
All these man made anomalies are outrageous. And of course under-reported. And the Fukushima mutation weirdness has hardly begun with the millions of tons of nuclear contaminated water being continually, and dutifully I might add, dumped off of Japan.
Just wait to see what’s brewing in the toxic sea. The mutations and die-offs have started, but just barely. And as our forests and crops fail from aluminum and barium poisoning from our chemtrail poisoned skies you can be sure it will get very distressing as the days and weeks progress.
The World’s Been Thoroughly Conned..and Set Up
You’d think people might start to realize something serious is actually going down. But most can’t begin to fathom the degree to which that is true. It’s way too horrific to grasp, never mind fully realize and integrate into their lives.
If just one spent fuel rod pool just at Fukushima collapses, there will be so much plutonium-based radiation released it would be called a potential Extinction Level Event (ELE). Just that. And if that doesn’t “bake your noodle”, do you know how many hundreds of these types of old dangerous fuel rod stocked reactors there are around the world?
Over 800! And all those built in the 60′s and 70′s are now due for “expiration”! Never mind the plethora of nuclear bomb manufacturing facilities in the US and around the world! We’re talking insane, people. And most of us had nothing to do with any of this. At least not consciously.
This planet is one large deliberately bomb-ridden Murrah Building or explosive-laden Twin Tower. Earth has been and is being engineered for demolition, whether a man-made or natural disaster triggers it, the charges have been thoroughly and deliberately set in place.
I’m sorry to be the one to tell you, but it’s clearly true.
My point here, though, is to see it for what it is and make it a motivator. Waiting around and “business as usual” are no longer an option.
The Virtue of True Hope – It’s Knowledge
This doesn’t have to spell the end of everything, as awful as that all sounds. People who love you tell you the Truth.
And love reigns.
I’m fully convinced that our number one job here is to wake up, first and foremost, and then wake up everyone around us. It’s imperative people see the vast extent of the perfidy of this parasitic force destroying our planet. And that’s not an easy task…UNTIL someone wakes up! Once the light gets in all will follow to the True in Heart.
The coming cataclysms, in whatever form they take, will work in Truth’s favor. Universe doesn’t fail in anything within any of its realms. How it plays out here is only perceived from our small, limited viewpoint. We will learn, come what may.
But the viewpoint from the heart?!….that’s where the answers reside. All we have to do is listen. And learn.
False Flag Earth and the Plan of the War gods
I use the false flag illustration because of the wicked planned demolition aspect. Anyone reading this knows false flags have been perpetrated by rulers since time immemorial. It’s virtually primordial evil to secretly do some evil deed yourself or have someone do it for you and blame someone else, all for a desired effect.
This huge scam is admittedly off the charts and engineered by the dark side, however you perceive it.
Earth will survive their puny efforts in some form, if need be. Humanity may not, at least here, until the earth recovers or we take off for new horizons. I don’t know. But to deliberately bring on such catastrophic conditions is not an easy one for the lay unaware earth man to wrap his head around. Very strange indeed.
They say mega natural catastrophes have wiped out previous civilizations and thousands of animal species on earth. They’ve even found evidence of a nuclear conflagration in ancient India, and it’s theorized Atlantis and Lemuria had it out and that’s how they came to an end.
It seems these warlike “gods” through the ages have a propensity for this type of wanton death-dealing and destruction. They really should find their own already decimated rock somewhere out there and fight it out between themselves and leave us the hell alone.
Wouldn’t you say?
Non Cooperation and Resistance is Essential
So our job is to resist. First wake up to the horrific reality that we’re being deliberately killed off and then wake up as many others as possible. I don’t know about any cavalry coming but I do know it’s a time of energetic change that will help more and more see what’s going on and hopefully wake up out of slumber.
The responsibility is ours. It will always remain ours. That’s the cycle we’re on. If you don’t get it and respond you’re doomed to repeat it till you one form or another. And that to me makes total sense.
The Universe is intrinsically right and just. If we didn’t have free will life would be a drag. And with free will comes a lot of messiness. And responsibility.
Enjoy it anyway! But let’s get Love and Truth back in charge here, shall we?
Epilogue – Let’s Put This in Perspective – They Can’t Win Over Truth and Love
You really wonder how these anti-natural freaks can take themselves seriously. Just look at the magnificence of our Universe. It’s beyond description. Clearly forces play out that we’re only slightly aware of. But one thing we can be sure of…puny man or any other power-crazed entity is nothing to be feared. We’re inter connected with Something so much greater and profound we can rest assured all will come out for the better no matter what happens in the short term.
The current awakening is changing the entire dynamic on our planet by the hour. The matrix is coming down, which is why they’re so frantically trying to slap supports for it everywhere. There’s a vibrational change that is exposing the Truth and accelerating drastic life changes all around us. This will no doubt change the course of all of their plans as everyone’s perceptions will be changing as well.
Eternity Rules
If we’re on to their scam, we should identify it, rise up in defiance of it and overcome it. Whatever form we take. Even if the whole place blows, you think that’s the end?
No way!
Fear of death is possibly the biggest con going. How many parallel dimensional worlds are right now spinning, slipping and sliding around us? Even our so called big brained physicists say at least 11. You think that’s all? (And btw, notice no one’s calling them conspiracy freaks! Ha!)
Just wanted to get that death thing outta the way. We might just slide to a parallel earth that’s in great shape while the perps are left here to suffer their own demise. Who knows? We’re eternal spirit consciousness and can’t be snuffed out.
Once again, trust your heart.
That’s the biggest lesson we can all learn. Heart trumps brain trumps programming.
Stick to your convictions, come what may.
Love, Zen